Tuesday, September 18, 2012

And so it begins....

Ever have one of those days when you feel like the world is against you? Today was one of those days...

My day started at the buttcrack of dawn with a full (and I mean freaking full) patient load. I needed caffeine bad, like don't talk to me or I will claw your eyes out bad....so anyway....I get to McDonalds and order a small nonfat sugar free vanilla latte and that is it.... I get to the window and they park me. Um hello this girl needs her mother f'in coffee! I proceed through the day with the best of intentions to stick to my diet, and somehow I did, but not without a crapton of temptations.

I have this coworker who is about 8 1/2 months pregnant (and she still looks awesome, damn her!) who is apparently feeling the maternal urge early and insists on bringing baked goods to work on a weekly basis. So today it was cookies....but alas I resisted!

Then my husband tells me that our sweet neighbor lady sent over a fresh made from scratch apple pie....WHY TODAY??? WHY NOT TWO DAYS AGO WHEN I WAS STILL IN FAT MODE???? I really wanted some of it....but alas I resisted!

The bright spot in my day: On Tuesdays I teach a group workout class, so at least exercise was a no brainer. Four lovely ladies joined me for a crossfitesque workout. Check it out:

Round 1: 10 reps of each 
Round 2: 15 reps of each
Round 3: 20 reps of each

100 m run
wall balls w/ 10# ball
100 m run
lunges w/ 10# ball
sumo squats w/ 10# ball
100 m run
7# kettlebell swing
10# bar overhead carries
100 m run

UGH! I am out of shape...I made it through but I was dying on the runs....hopefully will do better next time!

Even though I had a day from temptation hell I still managed to stay within my calorie range. Here's what I did:

small nonfat sugar free vanilla latte 150 calories
Emerald Breakfast to Go (OMG these are amazing!) 200 calories

Healthy choice Steamers General Tso's Spicy Chicken 300 calories
Unsweet tea

Banana  100 calories
unsweetened applesauce 50 calories

Italian dressing marinated chicken breast 225 calories
steamfresh mixed veggies 100 calories

Healthy Choice Greek Frozen Yogurt (Get this seriously) 100 calories

Total Today: 1225 calories  GO ME!

Lesson for the day: You don't need those calorie loaded empty foods to make you feel good....go work your ass off and you'll feel better!

Until next time - 

Love KL

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